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I want to become a member of the NJ Libertarian Party!

Please fill out the form below to join online. Currently the NJLP accepts most credit cards, PayPal, and Bitcoin.

If you would prefer to join via snail mail click here

Please check below the level at which you want to join.

Note that a considerable portion of the NJLP budget is consumed with postage and printing costs. Please consider opting to receive the newsletter and notices via the internet.

New Membership

Please sign me up as a member of the NJLP for one year.

Total Amount
If you would like to create an account on this site, check the box below and enter a Username and Password. If you already have an account please login to have this form filled out with data on file. An account is optional and is needed to access Party administrative information (meeting minutes, committee reports, etc.)
NJLP Member
Four Digit Zip Code Extension (optional)
State election law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and the name of the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $300 in a calendar year. If you are currently not working, you may enter “Retired” or “Not Employed”. Political contributions are not tax-deductible.
Non-Initiation of Force
"I certify that I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals."

You must select yes in order to become a voting member of the NJLP. Selecting "No" will make you a non-member subscriber.