Tara Fisher



Home Intrusion/Data Collection Reaches New Heights in Hazlet, and it’s Not a Good Thing

Hazlet – April 22, 2022: The Hazlet Police Department has announced that the municipality has contracted with Appraisal Systems Inc. to inspect every home in the Township, inside and out, under the guise of property tax revaluations.

While such revaluations take place periodically under the law, the unprecedented nature of this level of intrusion goes in a dangerous new direction.  It is a further deterioration of civil liberties which opens the door to so many possible rights violations.  With no restrictions on what can be examined, residents are losing their privacy in the most complete way possible.

What will be the limitations on searching through people’s private space?  What sorts of details about the inspections will be captured in the records of said inspections?  What obligations might arise for the inspectors to report information obtained during the inspections?  Who will have access to the information obtained during such inspections?  What would be the security measures taken to ensure against information hackers?  These and other questions need to be answered, and the public needs to have the right to comment and object to any procedures to be taken.

Less-intrusive methods of fair property tax revaluation, coupled with the rights of individual homeowners to voluntarily exercise the right to appeal, have worked satisfactorily to keep property taxes relatively fair, even if not reasonable.  These planned changes are moving in the wrong direction, and I will fight for measures that are the least intrusive possible, so the citizens of our District can live free, as was originally intended.

Tara Fisher
Libertarian Candidate for the 6th Congressional District of New Jersey

(609) 451-1391

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