Published in Suburban Trends, June 30, 2016

Dear Editor,

Over 80 percent of the town has not voted for town council yet, but 12.5 percent of the vote is enough to guarantee that one of these men will sit on the town council next year. This is because there are two seats available on the town council and these men will only face one opponent in the general election: Me.

I am Michael Chazukow, Libertarian candidate for town council of West Milford. I am a first time candidate and concerned resident of this community. My wife and I were both raised here, are graduates of West Milford Township High School, and we plan on raising our family here. I’ve lived in many parts of town, throughout New Jersey, and also in Europe. Those experiences have shown me that our home town really is a very special place in the world.

As a candidate, I have the temperament for building consensus while reaching out to the underrepresented citizens in our community. This inclusion is the essential element necessary for our town to realize its full potential. Our town is facing an increasing amount of challenges that is being decided by a shrinking number of people. For the over 80 percent of residents who have not voted for these candidates, I am your only alternative.

I invite everyone to learn more about the New Jersey Libertarian party by visiting To learn more about my campaign, like my Facebook page, For other inquiries, I can be reached via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Michael Chazukow
West Milford

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