There are many progressive and so-called “moderate” politicians like Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) that always claim that they are “pro-choice.’ However, when you look at their records and what they support, you will see that they are only “pro-choice” when it comes to the issue of abortion and nothing more. They are not “pro-choice” when it involves the right of an individual to own and purchase a firearm; they are not “pro-choice” when it comes to the right of parents to decide whether to send their children to private or parochial schools; they are not “pro-choice” when it comes to the right of an individual to smoke in public or private places; and they are not “pro-choice” when it comes to the right of individual to not join a Labor Union or opt out of government programs like Social Security.

Conservatives are no better. They claim that they are “pro-life,” but like progressives and “moderates,” that applies solely to the abortion issue. They are not “pro-life” when it involves living a certain lifestyle; they are not “pro-life” when it comes to sending individuals to fight in unjust wars that are not in U.S. interests; they are not “pro-life” when it comes to capital punishment; and they are not “pro-life” when it comes to one living his or her life free from government intrusion.

I have often said that when it comes to words and language, one has to look behind it all to see the reality. When it comes to the progressive, the “moderate” and conservative philosophy, they are all inconsistent. They may be “A” in one area but “B.C.D.E.F. and G” in all others. The only philosophy that is true and consistent in all areas is Libertarianism. Thank God.

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