Over a period of years, I have witnessed the deterioration of the public discourse with regard to politics, social and economic issues and religion and so on. I have witnessed this with churches being attacked, because they oppose abortion or gay marriage; I have witnessed this in the colleges and universities, where invited speakers have been assaulted, heckled, spat upon, bum rushed and shouted down; I have seen this with the mainstream press, where if someone strays away from an individual, collective, editorial position, or even an ideological position, that person is tarred, feathered and personally attacked along with his or her family; and I have even seen this when a private citizen has been attacked and investigated solely because he or she dares ask a question of a politician regarding his or her position or policy.

In his book "Rules for Radicals," on the chapter regarding "Tactics," Saul Alinsky wrote the thirteenth rule to community organizing “Pick the Target [meaning the person or other] freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.” In other words, degrade those who disagree with your positions or worldview and make them or it look like monsters. Make them look like they are less than human and give them no quarter.

These tactics may have worked in the Soviet Union and other tyrannical regimes, but this should not be the standard in this country, in this society or in its institutions. It is these tactics and teachings that close the American mind, make individuals seem intolerant and gives all a bad name. The United States is a country that is big enough to encompass all views and positions, not just a chosen few. It is time to awaken open mindedness and tolerance again and not engage in revelry, violence, censorship, inhuman acts, ad hominem attacks and the like, just because one has disagreements.

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