As many of you are aware, the NJLP has been trying to reach out to the young people of this state, in order to convey our message to other Americans who are tired of government oppression. In an attempt to further this goal, the NJLP rented a booth at the Camden leg of this year’s Warped Tour. From roughly 11 A.M. until 7 P.M. our Chairman Jay Edgar, along with Members-at-Large Kevin Ferrizzi and myself, Bill Sihr talked to as many passersby as possible.

Rather than proselytizing to the many concert goers, we decided to entice people to take the World’s Smallest Political quiz. Upon luring people to our booth, we sweet talked them into taking the quiz, usually by promising those who did so with a free sticker. Once the test takers finished, one of us would gather them around a large board that featured the political spectrum chart. After a brief explanation we placed a smiley-face sticker on the board which illustrated their results.

Roughly 200 people (give or take) took the quiz, and I am proud to say that the vast majority fell somewhere within the Libertarian boarders. All those who did receive the title of Libertarian were then talked to further about what Libertarianism meant and what we stood for as a party. Finally each of those above mentioned people was given a copy of the National Party’s pamphlet which housed a sheet that explains how to join the NJLP.

By giving up a few hours of our busy schedule we were able to reach out to a lot of people who had no idea that their political beliefs had a name and party. Not only were we able to show people what their political ideology was called, but we also collected email addresses, voter registration forms, and more than likely increase our numbers. This example shows us that it is not at all difficult to reach people and increase our numbers, assuming we all put forth 100 percent. Events like the Warped Tour may only be an annual occurrence, but I’m sure each of us could easily find smaller venues that allow groups to rent vendor spots. If we can just go to where the people are and give up our days off, then we can compete with the Republicrats and the Demublicans in New Jersey. If we can reach so many people in just one day, then there is no excuses why we can’t significantly increase our numbers, we just need everyone to do their portion of the labor.


Willaim F. (Bill) Sihr NJLP Member-at-Large

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