2017 NJLP Convention
March 11, 2017

09:00 Call to order & quorum check [Chair]

09:05 Agenda review & approval [Chair]

09:10 Secretary's Report [Secretary]

Approval of prior meeting minutes (State Board Meeting 2/21/2016)

09:15 Treasurer's report [Treasurer]

Presentation of proposed 2017 budget

09:30 Bylaws change proposal – Student Memberships [Vice Chair]

Discussion and approval by the General Membership

09:35 Membership Dues Change Proposal [Chair]

Discussion and approval by the General Membership

09:45 VPs and Region Chairs Reports [Chair]

(Chair will inform Convention that VPs and Regional Chairs were asked to submit their 2016 Accomplishment writeups to the members email list prior to the Convention)

09:50 Election of NJLP Officers [Secretary?]

Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, VPs Membership, Marketing, Programs

10:35 Review and Approval of NJLP Candidates [Chair]

Governor and any State candidates that cross Regional boundaries

(candidate statements - each 4 min max)

10:50 Recess for Regional Caucuses [Regional Chairs]

Review and Approval of Regional Candidates (candidate statements - each 4 min max)

Election of Regional Officers (Chair, State Board Rep et al)

11:30 Regional Caucus Reports [Regional Chairs]

11:45 Candidate Petitioning and Ballot Access Support [Chair]

11:55 Future Meetings, Announcements, Recognitions [Chair]

12:00 Adjournment [Chair]

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