A good way for Libertarians to embark on getting involved in local government is to serve as a member of an appointed board. In order to find out what boards have vacancies, submit the following OPRA request to your municipal clerk:

OPRA request

I would like the following government records in accordance with the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and the common law right of access.

1. The municipality's up-to-date directory of local authorities, boards and commissions, as required by N.J.S.A. 40A:9-9.2

2. The municipality's "Citizen Leadership Form" as required by the same statute.

I submitted such a request to Penns Grove Borough in Salem County and the responsive documents are on-line at http://ogtf.lpcnj.org/2011199yX//PennsGroveLeadershiip.pdf

As you can see, the following vacancies currently exist in Penns Grove: two positions as Planning Board Alternate; one position on the Redevelopment Agency; two vacancies on the Recreation Board and one position on the Shade Tree Commission.

John Paff
Somerset, New Jersey

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