On February 11, 2008, after learning that the Mount Holly Municipal Utilities Authority (MUA) had failed to record executive session meeting minutes for at least ten years, in blatant violation of the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA), I asked Burlington County Prosecutor Robert D. Bernardi to do more to ensure compliance with the OPMA by public agencies within Burlington County.

I received a February 19, 2008 response from Assistant Prosecutor Thaddeus E. Drummond informing me that he had contacted the MUA's attorney about the ten-year lapse, but his letter did not address the larger issue of his office's proper role in generally enforcing the OPMA.

All the correspondence, including my March 4, 2008 reply to Drummond, is on-line at: http://www.lpcnj.org/OGTF/MtHollyMUA1.pdf

John Paff
Somerset, New Jersey

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