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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
News from Mark Schmidter:
Adam Sudbury (Julian and My lawyer) : Julian is to be released today on $12,000. Bond! Perry almost did not let him out?? No big news media, Perry may not like it??? I will pick up Julian jail tonight. It took me 12 hours to get out? Sudbury will call Julians wife she will credit card the money, I will secure with my house. Yours in freedom. Mark Schmidter
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
A Beijing court has sentenced an activist to 9 months in jail for protesting at a court house. Wang Lihong was protesting the arrest and trials of bloggers who were arrested for libel. Her arrest and sentencing has been widely criticized as an crackdown on dissent by human rights activists.
Miss Lihong's treatment mirrors the treatment of activists in the Orlando area. A crackdown on dissent by Judge Belvin Perry has resulted in the arrest and sentencing of two juror rights and free speech activists. Julian Heicklen and Mark Schmidter have both been sentenced by Judge Perry to approximately five months in jail.
Hopefully the cases against Julian Heicklen and Mark Schmidter will be thrown out on appeal, however it is unlikely that either the Beijing injustice system or Judge Perry will ever be held accountable for their crimes.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
UPDATE: Julian has been sentenced to 145 days. He wishes to hire a lawyer to appeal his conviction. See Julian's webpage for more information. Other places that are covering Julian's saga include George Donnelly's site and the Civil Disobedience Evolution Fund page. A fundraising effort has been started. If this money is not used for his defense all donations will be returned to the donors.
NJ Libertarian Candidate for NJ Assembly (district 37) and longtime freedom activist Julian Heicklen has been arrested in Florida for defying Judge Perry's Administrative Order banning pamphleting in or around the Orange or Osceola court houses. The below video has been provided by Orlando Cop Watch.
Judge Perry's unlawful order has been written about previously on this website.
Recently Libertarian activist Mark Schmidter was sentenced to 151 days for the same offense.
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Latest News
I did a half-hour program regarding the NJLP projects on a program called "Mike and the Coach" that appeared on Bayonne's public access channel.
Part 1
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Youth volunteers are being sought to sit on a panel that meets with and judges youth offenders. Youth libertarians need to consider volunteering for this. As a volunteer you will have the opportunity to dismiss victimless crimes and help society. See article about it here.
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- Written by: Wes Benedict
- Category: Latest News
Dear Friend of Liberty,
I'm sure you have heard the news about the Standard & Poor's downgrade of the U.S. government's credit rating.
I'm not a finance expert, so I don't know exactly how important the downgrade itself is. I think it's one more sign of what Libertarians have known for a long time: the Democrats and Republicans have created a giant welfare-warfare state that is beginning to collapse under its own weight. And I see no sign that they are going to change their behavior.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
NJLP members John Paff and Nena Carroll participate
in an anti-war protest in Highland Park, New Jersey on Saturday, July
23, 2011
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
The NJ Libertarian Party has returned to the Warped Tour Concert. We were last there in 2009. Warped Tour is a touring concert series featuring over sixty bands.
At both the Camden and the Oceanport we set up booth up alongside the Campaign For Liberty and the Ron Paul for President tables. We worked together to steer attendees to each others' booths.
Again we administered the World's Smallest Political Quiz to those who visited our booth.
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Latest News
I just interviewed with Sarah Morrison for her "Core of the Matter" radio program on WVPH-FM in Piscataway.
The topics of conversation were the NJLP efforts regarding loitering laws, police accountability and governmental transparency.
The program will air on tomorrow, Tuesday, July 26, 2011, at 7 p.m. and can be heard in Central New Jersey on FM radio at 90.3 MHz or on-line at
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- Written by: William F Sihr
- Category: Latest News
As many of you are aware, the NJLP has been trying to reach out to the young people of this state, in order to convey our message to other Americans who are tired of government oppression. In an attempt to further this goal, the NJLP rented a booth at the Camden leg of this year’s Warped Tour. From roughly 11 A.M. until 7 P.M. our Chairman Jay Edgar, along with Members-at-Large Kevin Ferrizzi and myself, Bill Sihr talked to as many passersby as possible.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
The New Jersey Libertarian Party will be exposing thousands of youth to the party and to the fight for liberty at the upcoming Van's Warped Tour concerts in Camden (July 21st) and Oceanport (July 24th).
The concerts will be at the Susquehenna Bank Center in Camden on the 21st and at the Monmouth Park Racetrack in Oceanport on the 24th. Dozens of alternative rock bands will be playing on multiple stages. We attended two years ago and had a great time while giving out literature and the World's Smallest Political Quiz to the crowd. Our NJLP booth was a real eye-catcher and got a lot more attention from the young crowd than many of the left-leaning booths around us. All activists are invited to come man (or woman!?) the booth and hang out for the day. Please contact the NJLP Chair, Jay Edgar, to volunteer for this event.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
The NJLP Summer Picnic and General Membership Meeting will be on Saturday July 9th starting at 3:00 PM at Len Flynn’s home in Morganville (Marlboro Township). The general membership meeting is scheduled to begin at 3:30 PM and the picnic will follow.
Come hang out with fellow freedom lovers and meet our 2011 Candidates for Office.
At dusk we will be kicking off an evening of libertarian movies with a showing of Fight of the Century: Hayek vs. Keynes: Round Two followed by the documentary Guns and Weed: The Road To Freedom.
Please bring: Your own meat plus one dish to share. Gas grill and tubs of ice with cold soft drinks will be provided along with snacks and picnic utensils. Extra lawn chairs would help.
For those willing to stay extra late the documentary will be followed by another libertarian themed movie. Bring a sleeping bag and a tent and stay the night!
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Read on for more details, then please CALL the Mount Holly Township Council at 609-845-1100 and tell them to let the Gardens homeowners stay in their community. Their e-mails are also available here:
- Thomas Gibson, Mayor:
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
This Memorial Day, let us remember the soldiers of past and present and demand an end to our foreign interventions. The United States has over 369,000 soldiers stationed in over 150 countries across the world. Soldiers are sacrificing their lives without making Americans any safer. The best that can be said for our efforts is that we provide free defense to other nations. Democrats and Republicans have both pushed for endless war, at an enormous cost in both money and lives. Thousands of Americans, Iraqis, and Afghans are killed and maimed while the band plays "Waltzing Matilda."