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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
New Jersey Libertarian Party General Meeting
Saturday December 14, 2019 – Killarney's 5:00 pm
5:15 Call to order & quorum check [Chair]
5:15 Agenda review & approval [Chair]
Ongoing Business
5:20 Secretary's Report [Secretary]
Approval of minutes of prior board meeting
5:25 Treasurer's report [Treasurer]
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Supporters of one of the two old tired political parties often screech that if you don't vote for their candidate that your vote is wasted. This is a fallacy. In fact voting for the underdog often has more of an impact.
In the 2019 presidential election in New Jersey there was a 540K vote difference between the two. If you had chosen to vote for one of the two corrupt parties your vote would have changed that by 0.00018%. If you were to vote democrat it would have changed their total by 0.0000046%. If you were to vote republican it would have changed their total by 0.0000062%
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- Written by: Thomas R. Eddlem
- Category: Latest News
America’s endless Middle Eastern wars have become politically sustainable as a result of millions of dollars in donations to virulent hate-groups with strong deep state ties from establishment foundations.
Americans increasingly view Muslims as a threat to their security, especially Republicans. According to a Pew Charitable Forum survey in 2017, 65 percent of Republicans believe there is a "natural conflict between Islam and democracy." Amusingly, 56 percent of Americans polled by CivicScience in 2019 said American students should not be required to learn Arabic numerals (i.e.: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) as part of their educational curriculum. A 2018 Chapman University poll noted that – although prejudice against Muslims had fallen somewhat between 2016 and 2018 – more than 60 percent of Republicans believed"Muslims are more likely to engage in terrorist activity than non-Muslims" and nearly 40 percent said America should end immigration from all Muslim countries.
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- Written by: JDaniel Richer
- Category: Latest News
As nefarious as people want 3D-printed guns to look, there is another side of the story entirely.
What if everything you thought about 3D-printed guns was wrong?
I know what you’re thinking. How is this article different from the 50+ articles written beforehand? Well, how many of those journalists do you think consulted with someone who spends a decent amount of their time 3D-printing guns?As nefarious as people want 3D-printed guns to look, there is another side of the story entirely. How many inaccuracies do you think they have written considering most of them know little to nothing about guns, never mind 3D-printing and other technologies? To avoid this dangerous journalistic trend (and to avoid looking ignorant about guns), I contacted New Jersey's "most wanted" anonymous Twitter account, @IvanTheTroll12, about the nature of 3D-printed guns in the United States.
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- Written by: Kevin Lowery
- Category: Latest News
2019 NJLP Convention
March 23, 2019
09:00 Call to order & quorum check [Chair]
09:05 Agenda review & approval [Chair]
09:10 Secretary's Report [Secretary]
Approval of prior meeting minutes: February 10 State Board Meeting
09:15 Treasurer's report [Treasurer]
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Latest News
After a more than four-year investigation, a former member of the Bound Brook Borough (Somerset County) Council was tentatively fined $100 by the New Jersey Local Finance Board (LFB) for voting in favor of a resolution which designated a redeveloper for a Main Street property while her in-laws owned that property and her husband, who currently sits as a Borough Council member, had an interest in a business located on that property.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
There are only two factors that determine what you are paid for the work that you do - how much you are willing to work for and how much your employer is willing to pay you. How much your employer is willing to pay you is based on the laws of supply and demand. The work that you do may require back-breaking effort or may require a certain skill set and training, but this alone does not mean that it will reward you with a large paycheck. The output of your work needs to be in demand.
In a free market, financial transactions between consenting parties only occur if both parties benefit from the transaction. This is true both for the exchange of goods and the exchange of labor. The wages that a worker receives is defined by the simple fact that both the employer and the employee benefit from the exchange of salary and benefits paid to the employee and the work done for the employer. Anything that stands in the way of this mutual benefit results in fewer transactions.
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- Written by: Alex Nowrasteh
- Category: Latest News
Originally Published at Cato at Liberty, republished under Creative Commons License
Yesterday, President Trump tweeted that “unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in” with the migrant caravan approaching the U.S. border. Vice President Pence later tried to justify President Trump’s comment by arguing that, “It is inconceivable that there are not people of Middle Eastern descent in a crowd of more than 7,000 people advancing toward our border.” Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies wrote that “the president was obviously referencing … ‘special interest aliens’ … U.S.-bound migrants moving along well-established Latin America smuggling routes from [Muslim] countries.” Perhaps President Trump was referencing special interest aliens but the clear implication is that they are potential terrorists who are using the caravan to sneak into the United States and murder Americans.
The members of the migrant caravan will either apply for asylum at the U.S. border or try to enter illegally. From 1975 through the end of 2017, 9 Americans have been murdered in attacks committed on U.S. soil by 20 foreign-born terrorists who entered illegally or as asylees. During that time, the annual chance of being murdered in a terrorist attack committed by an asylum seeker or an illegal immigrant was about 1 in 1.3 billion per year. Those estimates are based on this methodology with updated numbers.
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- Written by: Maria Bell
- Category: Latest News
I think we are all in agreement that New Jersey has changed markedly in the last ten years. As an immigration gateway, our state sees a regular dynamic shift that makes defining who and what New Jersey is difficult. Our personal stories and memories may no longer be relevant. As a transplant to NJ, I can identify with the goals and challenges of an immigrant from an even more alien landscape. I was looking for progressive work options as do many others that come here. Physical safety, inflationary protection and political freedom were not significant concepts on my own note but are common among the reasons given as to why America is attractive. Finding a place to call home, a “comfort zone”, has led to ethnic pockets within our communities. The downside to this grouping is isolation – discovering the diversity of American life is undercut.
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- Written by: Rob Case
- Category: Latest News
Over the past several months, northwestern New Jersey has been treated to a political wild west of sorts, where Phillipsburg is the main character in a show no one wants to watch. From arguments to cronyism, this public theater has become nothing more than another side show in the issues that plague New Jersey.
“A Phillipsburg youth center's decades-long partnership with town government may be in jeopardy. It started with a town employee's Facebook post.” (Novak, 6 April 2018).
This is an honest headline from an article from, which owns the most circulated newspaper in Town – The Express-Times.
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- Written by: Nicholas DeSimone
- Category: Latest News
Nicholas DeSimone works in public policy for Reason Foundation in Washington D.C. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and has written for Reason Foundation, and Penn Political Review. Follow him on Twitter: @nickyd8181 |
Every recent measure from the Democrat’s plan to ban the sale of semi-automatic rifles to Congressman Thomas Massie’s plan to repeal the Federal Gun-Free School Zone Act and even President Trump’s plans to arm teachers in schools and implement stricter background checks for mental illness have been suggested to prevent individuals from committing mass shootings.
While the background check system has prevented individuals from illegally obtaining guns from licensed dealers, the gun show loophole can allow individuals to purchase guns from unlicensed dealers. Attempts to close this loophole have been made in 19 states and Washington D.C. by requiring background checks on all handgun sales. However, guns, including the AR-15 are still widely accessible through unlicensed dealers.
The majority of guns used in 19 recent mass shootings were bought legally, with some of these individuals—possessing a history mental illness—able to pass federal background checks to purchase guns. Logic would follow that by making background checks stricter this would prevent people who have mental illnesses from illegally obtaining guns.
Let’s assume that all gun show loopholes are closed and we rely on stricter background checks for mental illness, as suggested by gun control advocates. There are few concerns with this.
First, what types mental disorders would prevent a person from owning a gun: depression, acute stress disorder, bipolar disorder, or anxiety/panic disorder? All of these mental illnesses have one thing in common; they all rely on self-report for accuracy so when determining who is classified to have one of these mental disorders there’s much room for inaccuracies.
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Latest News
On December 26, 2017, a former Sea Isle City (Cape May County) police officer filed a lawsuit against the New Jersey State Police Firearms Investigation Unit claiming that the agency is dragging its feet on processing his permit to carry a handgun.
In his lawsuit, Vincenzo J. Macrino claims that he has met all the requirement of the statute that permits retired law enforcement officers to carry a handgun. Yet, despite seven months having elapsed since his application was submitted, the State Police Unit has not yet granted or denied his application.
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Latest News
On December 9, 2016, the Burlington County Institute of Technology (BCIT) quietly paid $65,000 to settle a former African-American student's lawsuit which claimed that he was repeatedly racially harassed by other students and that school officials took no corrective action.
In his suit, Venice Samuel, III of Willingboro, who was a minor at the time the suit was filed but an adult at the time it was settled, claimed that he suffered several incidents of racial harassment during his junior and senior years at the BCIT's Medford Campus. Samuel claimed that he was repeatedly called a n****r during October 2012 by a student identified in the lawsuit only as "D.D." He said that Assistant Principal Michael Parker failed to take any action after receiving Samuel's complaints.
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- Written by: Kevin Lowery
- Category: Latest News
Greetings Fellow Libertarians,
The New Jersey Libertarian Party is happy to announce that it will be partnering with to offer its members discounted pricing for the 2017 Tai Chi Gala, held in Henryville, PA from June 2nd thru June 4th. The organizers of the event, who are also dedicated libertarians, have not only offered discounts to those who register using the code Liberty2017 but they will also be donating $50 for each of these registrants.
The NJLP feels that there is no better way for its members to enjoy the natural healing and stress relief of this Chinese martial art while also supporting the most relaxing and stress free political party on the market. Other topics covered during this event include eastern philosophy, mindfulness, meditation, qi energy development, mind/body healing, and push hands.
Act fast as space is limited and this discount will only be offered until May 19th!!!
Book now using LIBERTY2017 and help support the New Jersey Libertarian Party!!!
Best Wishes,
Kevin Lowery
VP of Programs