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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two northern New Jersey mayors, several rabbis and other politicians were arrested on Thursday in a federal investigation into public corruption and international money laundering, U.S. authorities said.
Among the approximately 30 people arrested were Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, who took office 23 days ago, Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell, state Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt and Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Newark.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
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Our Warped Tour booths in Camden and Oceanport were a resounding success.
We exposed hundreds of youth to the party, while enjoying ourselves at the festivals.
We administered the World Smallest Political Quiz to 204 individuals. This quiz is used to educate and identify political ideologies. Everyone who took the quiz got a sticker posted at their location on a poster size version of the political map. The Quiz is an excellent outreach tool in that it allows us to educate voters on freedom and identify those who agree with us while respecting the beliefs of those who disagree with us.
The results were very encouraging and I believe represent a shift in our youth towards liberty. I also noticed our booth was more popular than the several left leaning booths that were at the festival.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Yesterday my daughter and I attended a screening of Bob Bowdon's documentary, The Cartel. The Cartel is being showcased by the Jersey Shore Film Festival.
The Cartel effectively presents what is wrong with our schools and presents some ideas for fixing the problems. Data is presented showing how poorly NJ schools perform compared to the rest of the world and the nation, despite having the highest funding in the world. Solutions presented all involve breaking up the NJ education cartel and cultivating a free market approach that rewards the best schools and teachers.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
I just returned from the Jackson Tea Party. I'm not sure whether to get excited about the popularity of the Tea Parties or to get depressed. The large attendance at the many tea parties represent an awakening political movement revolting against our high taxation. However, the Tea Parties have been taken over by right wing conservatives. This is the same group who was silent while the Bush Administration pissed all over our rights.
Conservatives are not libertarians of any sort. Conservatives have demanded government intrusions into the privacy of our bedrooms, jailing of those who ingest non mainstream drugs, and want government to control marriage. They often want to stop the human right of free travel demanding more control over legal immigration based on protectionism. They believe in free markets in products, but carve out an exception in the free market when it comes to labor.
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Latest News
One of the dumbest things I've seen lately is that the State of New Jersey has an "Interior Design Examination And Evaluation Committee" within the Department of Law and Public Safety. According to its Internet site, the "Committee is responsible for protecting the public's health and safety by determining the qualifications of interior designers seeking certification in this State, establishing standards for certification, and disciplining licensees who do adhere to those requirements."
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
While the world watches Susan Boyle lose the top prize and cowers in the wake of the dreaded swine flu, the world financial crisis deepens and worsens. The American people are slowly waking up to fiscal realities as our iconic car dealerships and banking establishments flounder in an ocean of red ink. Everywhere we turn something else blows up, and we can’t seem to find a bottom to the stock market. Prices seem inflated much beyond what government measurements are reporting.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
From an early age our society falsely teaches us that our country was founded as a democracy. School teachers, journalists, and politicians alike all wrongly praise democracy. In our government schools, the adamant opposition to democracy of our country's founders is not taught. Our founders specifically avoided the creation of a democracy. Rather they created a Constitutionally Limited Republic.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Watch Your Wallet When Driving Through These 10 States
With the first major driving holiday of the summer season approaching, we have analyzed the laws across the country to determine the best and the worst states when it comes to exploiting the motoring public.
These state rankings were calculated using seventeen criteria related to specific traffic laws, enforcement practices, and the treatment of traffic ticket defendants. The rankings are designed to provide guidance to travelers who do not want their vacation ruined by speed traps, arcane laws or “kangaroo” traffic courts.
Read the full article at National Motorists Association site...
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Inspired by a posting at A Boring Blog, Trenton officials have officially changed the sign on the Lower Trenton Bridge.

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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
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The Unknown Taxpayer made an appearance at the tea party on the Morristown Green. He was there representing the thousands of New Jerseyans who were afraid to show their faces in opposition to the IRS for fear of audits or harassment. |
Yesterday, members of the NJ Libertarian Party attended Tea Party Rallies across the state. The citizens of this state and the NJLP are outraged over the enormous growth of government at both the state and federal levels. The Bush-Obama bailouts are just the straw that has broken the camel's back.
The NJ Libertarian Party has held tax day demonstrations across the state every year since 1972. We are happy to see a revival of the same libertarian principles that our founders espoused and look forward to the day that government intrusions into our bedrooms, our relationship, and our wallets are rolled back by our elected leaders.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
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The James Madison Center filed two federal lawsuits on Friday, April 3, 2009, to challenge the IRS definition of "political intervention," which has been used by the IRS to stifle the legitimate speech activities of many non-profit organizations.
For decades the IRS has applied an "all the facts and circumstances" test to the grass roots lobbying, issue advocacy and voter education activity of non-profits to determine if the non-profit has actually engaged in prohibited political activity. Furthermore, this vague IRS test has been exploited by some liberal groups to threaten and harass churches and other non-profits, causing many of them to be fearful of IRS retribution if they discussed moral or public policy issues. Non-profits have even shied away from legitimate grass roots lobbying activity in fear that it will be considered political intervention. As a result, the legitimate speech activities of many non-profits have been chilled and their free speech rights infringed.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
Washington DC - Effective September 1, 2009 the federal government shall be transitioning to four digit acronyms for all of its agencies. The current use of three digits only allows for only 1,692 combinations (accounting for unusable acronyms due to current usage). Transitioning to four digits will allow for over four hundred thousand combinations.
This change is necessary because with the current growth rate the federal government is expected to run out of usable acronyms by the summer of 2010. Existing agencies will have an A added to the end (unless such use conflicts with an existing usage).
The Office of Federal Registry (OFRA) shall shortly be publishing a list of all updated acronyms.
Heard on Off the Hook.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Read the full article...The mother of the New Jersey girl whose death inspired Megan's Law is criticizing prosecutors who charge teenagers with child porn for distributing nude photos of themselves.
Maureen Kanka said Thursday that the prosecutors are harming the children more than helping them.
Her comments came as authorities in Passaic County charged a 14-year-old girl with child pornography for posting nude photos of herself on
If she is convicted, she would have to register with the state as a sex offender under Megan's Law.
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Latest News
In an unpublished decision released today, the Appellate Division affirmed a trial court's dismissal of Doris Lin's First Amendment case against the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders. The decision is on-line HERE.