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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
Bill is an Attack on Sportsmen, Collectors, and Target Shooters
On Thursday morning, June 12, the New Jersey Assembly Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider legislation that would ban the purchase, transfer, and inheritance of many popular hunting guns, historical American firearms, and large bore target firearms, based on alleged public safety concerns.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
TRENTON – The State House steps overflowed with hundreds of taxpayers rallying against higher taxes and outrageous spending habits in Trenton today. Long-time Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan was leading the charge as Americans for Prosperity brought residents out from every corner of the Garden State to the Trenton to say “No!” to higher taxes.
Read the full article at the American's For Prosperity website.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
Visit DPA Action Alert Page to let your representatives know you oppose mandatory minimums for nonviolent drug offenders.
Kleykamp, Meredith, et al. Wasting Money, Wasting Lives: Calculating the Hidden Costs of Incarceration in New Jersey. Drug Policy Alliance; May 28, 2008.
This report is the first-ever analysis of the hidden and comprehensive costs of incarceration in New Jersey. In addition to the cost of prison beds (the usual measure of incarceration costs), the report examines hidden costs such as lost wages during the time people are incarcerated, lost lifetime wages that result from diminished employment opportunities, lost taxable income, and lost child support. At a time when the state is facing severe budget deficits and cutting critical social programs and services, the report finds that the state is losing literally billions of dollars in direct and hidden costs as a result of the harsh and ineffective overuse of incarceration. The report looks at costs state-wide and also provides a snapshot of costs for New Jersey’s largest city, Newark.
Report [PDF]
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
The Mayor Found Drunk and Naked
A Former Mayor Hauled Off to Prison
A County Exec Nabbed in an FBI Sting
‘‘People always ask me how I spent my time in prison, and I say, ‘I just read a lot,'" Jerry tells me as we trundle along the Jersey City streets in his Volvo. "They would get you any book you asked for, so I ended up reading every title on the New York Times bestseller list," he explains with the tone of satisfaction one might detect in somebody who feels they've gotten a really good deal.
It's an overcast afternoon in northern New Jersey, just across the Hudson River from lower Manhattan, and we're driving towards the prep school where Jerry now coaches boys track.
We pull up to the curb and he suggests we get out and chat on the sidewalk. Parked illegally, he proclaims "I don't get parking tickets" in his north Jersey accent before springing from the driver's seat.
Read the full article on Campaign & Elections: Politics Website.
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- Written by: Jay Boucher
- Category: Latest News
Former Congressman Bob Barr recently appeared on Fox's Hannity & Colmes. At about 3:20 into the clip below, Hannity asks, "Would you vote to legalize heroin and crack?" Barr, agitated by the question, answered, "No, I would not vote to legalize heroin and crack!"
Undoubtedly, Barr supporters will say it is because Barr wants to focus on the bigger issue of getting the federal government out of the drug war. Hopefully, Barr opponents will see that the bigger issue is that Barr has not fully embraced the non-initiation of force principle of the Libertarian Party.
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- Written by: Rich Goldman
- Category: Latest News
Libertarians and liberty lovers of all stripes will gather in Gilford, New Hampshire in June for the 5th annual Porcupine Freedom (and Music) Festival (aka PorcFest).
As the premier event of the Free State Project (FSP), PorcFest welcomes pro-liberty activists from across the nation to see why New Hampshire was selected by FSP’s membership to be the destination for those who are willing to work effectively in a concentrated effort towards “Liberty in Our Lifetime.”
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- Written by: Sean Colon
- Category: Latest News
We will be submitting a list of delegates for the national convention next week. If anyone is interested in becoming a delegate for the national convention please email me at
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
The National Taxpayers Union (NTU) just released its rating of the 1st session of the 110th Congress. Meanwhile Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has released its Pig Book.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
From the Internet Freedom Coalition:
A problem?
On November 19, 2002, the first official warning was issued by "powerful computer and Internet companies" that if Congress did not regulate the Internet, it would fall prey to network providers that would block access to Internet sites, or abuse their market power by slowing online content of competitors to a crawl.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
As this footage shows, Hillary is truly a brave American Hero. In true Rambo style, she endured gunfire and bombing without showing any fear whatsoever. Others have claimed that she lied about it, but this footage clearly shows the danger she was under.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Congressional Quarterly Inc, has ranked New Jersey as number 7 of the best states to live.
However few NJ residents are finding it affordable to live here. The National Taxpayer's Union has determined that NJ residents work until May 7th just to pay their taxes. This places NJ as the 2nd worst state in the Union (just behind Connecticut).
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
The citizens of New Jersey are being subject to over-taxation and over-regulation while our civil liberties are disappearing.
The actions of our state government are chasing business out of the state. Those who can afford to get out are leaving as fast as they can. Our state population is evolving to include only the poor and the very rich.
In the name of security our liberties are being stripped away. Our Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches are being taken away in the name of fighting drugs.
Fortunately however, NJ citizens are waking up! Our legislature must act quickly to drastically reduce the size of state government and make doing business in NJ more profitable for the small business person and individuals alike. Returning to business as normal is not an option.
What can the NJLP do to help? Absolutely nothing without YOU. Get involved! Run for office, write letters to the editor, join the party, donate, write for the newsletter, write for this website, or come up with your own way to help! We are looking for candidates to run at all levels.
If you are not coming to our annual convention, contact us and let us know how you would like to help.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Yikes! Note that this chart is a few years old. It is reported to be much worse now. Click the chart for more.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Now that Ron Paul's presidential campaign is winding down many of his supporters are looking for a place to turn. Both the Libertarian Party and the Constitution party share similar beliefs.
In response to members of the Constitution party claiming Ron Paul supporters should join them I've put together a matrix of many of those beliefs in comparison to Ron Paul's stances.