For Immediate Release:
Contact: Charles Barr, 732-470-9994
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
June 15, 2014

Hoboken, NJ – On Thursday June 19th, the Hudson County Republican Club Young Professionals will be hosting “The Great Debate: Libertarian versus Neo-Conservative.”

The debate will explore two influential groups within the American political discourse and their perspectives on a range of issues facing the nation.

The debate participants are Dorit Goikhman, the NJ Libertarian Party State Vice Chair and Libertarian candidate for NJ CD 6 and Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein, contributor and conservative essayist. Moderating the debate is Daniel Bono, active member of the Hudson County Republican Club and Hudson County Committeeman.

"Its important and enjoyable to engage in open, honest, and fun political dialogue. There are a lot of talking bobble heads in Hudson County most of which have no philosophy other self-aggrandizement, all of which talk about diversity but never apply more than skin deep," said HCRC Chairman Roberto Cruz.

"I look forward to demonstrating in this debate that small and respectful government is the correct path. And that's what the Libertarian Party stands for." said Goikhman.

Audience questions will be fielded in the second half. The event will take place at 7:30 on Thursday June 19 at Willie McBrides (616 Grand St, Hoboken).

Dorit Goikhman is running for U.S. House of Representatives with a message of “Better government, and less of it.” Visit for more information or email the campaign at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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