Candidates and Elections
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- Written by: Lana Leguia
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Why are you running for public office?
This is a question you will be asking yourself over and over during your campaign. When things get hard, you will ask yourself, “Why in the heck did I even want to do this?” Throughout the process your answer may even change. It is vital you look within yourself. What is calling you to do this? What do you want out of this? The answers to these questions will give you strength to keep going and push harder. Vying for public office opens yourself up to personal scrutiny. Your home, family, career, past mistakes, wardrobe, personal interests, and your integrity will be fair game to arbitrary, often unfair judgement, and it will be draining. Vying for public office is also a huge time commitment. Even as a paper candidate you may have to spend hours collecting signatures. If you plan on challenging the incumbent, you will eat, sleep and breathe your campaign for 9 months. I am going to be very honest with you, running for office is a lot of work for very little payoff - especially as a libertarian. Your reason needs to be altruistic or you will lose steam very quickly.
Wrong reasons to run for office ❌
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Please provide whatever support you can to our candidates! Senate and Congressional candidates can be supported via our Federal Fund. Local candidates can be supported via our State Fund.
If you are interested in running under our banner next year contact the state board and fill out a questionnaire.
Chase Oliver
President of the United States
Chase Oliver’s campaign for Georgia’s hotly-contested U.S. Senate seat attracted national attention, leading Rolling Stone to dub him the “most influential Libertarian in American.” He is a passionate and energetic champion for the rights of all individuals against the growing power of the state. This 38-year old is bringing the energy the duopoly will have a hard time competing with.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Download, print and circulate a petition. Any New Jersey resident can circulate a petition for any candidate, but only people who live in the district can sign for that office.
We have a Guide To Petitioning posted on the NJLP website. I find the most useful approach to use is to state "Excuse me I'm trying to get a friend of mine on the ballot. Are you a registered voter?"
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
In the November 2023 election the NJ Libertarian Party is supporting the following candidates.
- NJ State Senate District 2 - Shawn Peck
- NJ Assembly District 13 - John Morrison
- NJ State Senate District 16 - Richard J. Byrne
- NJ Assembly District 19 - David Diez
- Branchburg Town Council - Tara Murphy
- Allendale Town Council - Zachary Finkelstein
- Mercer County Sheriff - Drew Cifrodelli
- Stanhope School Board - Lana Leguia
Please provide whatever support you can to our candidates! State candidates can be supported via our State Fund.
If you are interested in running under our banner next year contact the state board and fill out a questionnaire.
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- Written by: Tara Murphy
- Category: Candidates and Elections
More than a quarter of Branchburg voters said YES to term limits, putting residents first and said no to a tax increase in Tuesday’s election. A vote for Tara Murphy and Jason MacDuffie was a declaration of independence from the GOP monopoly. These votes came from a broad coalition of third party voters, Democrats, unaffiliated and even a few Republicans. This bipartisan support in our historic run came from talking to people about the issues they care about. We’ve demonstrated the viability of Libertarian candidates.
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- Written by: Jim Tosone
- Category: Candidates and Elections
I am running as the NJLP candidate for State Senate from the 39th Legislative District, which covers most of Northern Bergen County. I’ve lived in this district for over thirty years. I know the people here. Some know me; a lot more will.
The 39th District has 167, 000 registered voters: 29% Republicans, 27% Democrats, 1% others. Most importantly 43%, over 72,000 voters, are unaffiliated. That’s my target audience. The politically homeless, who don’t identify with either Republicans or Democrats, but wind up not voting, or voting for the lesser of two evils, because they feel they have no other choice. Only 41% of eligible voters even voted in the District 39 Senate race in 2017.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
In the November 2022 election the NJ Libertarian Party will be running candidates under the Libertarian Party banner.
- Congress District 1 - Isaiah Fletcher
- Congress District 2 - Mike Gallo
- Congress District 3 - Christopher Russomanno
- Congress District 4 - Jason Cullen
- Congress District 5 - Jeremy Marcus
- Congress District 6 - Tara Fisher
- Congress District 8 - Dan Delaney
- Congress District 9 - Sean Armstrong
- Congress District 10 - Kendal Ludden
- Congress District 11 - Joseph Biasco
- Congress District 12 - Lynn Genrich
- Branchburg Town Committee - Tara Murphy and Jason MacDuffie
Please provide whatever support you can to our candidates! Congressional candidates can be supported via our Federal Fund.
If you are interested in running under our banner in 2023 contact the state board and fill out a questionnaire.
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- Written by: Mike Guadagnino
- Category: Candidates and Elections
With the new year brings hope and optimism that Mr. Murphy's time in office will be coming to any end. The lockdown, a chaotic vaccine roll-out and massive debt have been the hallmark of his authoritatively poor leadership and lack of vision.
A few weeks back I interviewed Greg Mele who is seeking the New Jersey Libertarian Party's Gubernatorial nomination. This month I sat with Eveline Brownstein who would like to be the Lieutenant Governor of the once proud Garden State.
MG: Thank you Eve for taking the time to sit with me. I'd like you tell me a little about you background and how it prepared me for lieutenant governor:
EB: My qualifications to run for Lieutenant Governor are the same as the qualifications are the same as those for Governor. Must be at least 30 years of age - I am. Must be a citizen of the United States for at least 20 years - I was naturalized in 1994, so I have been. Must be a resident of New Jersey for at least seven years - I have been living and working in New Jersey since 2008.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Candidates and Elections
In 2001, an appeals court ruled that New Jersey's practice of not allowing anyone to register to vote as anything other than Democrat, Republican, or Independent was unconstitutional. This was the result of a lawsuit brought by a coalition of political parties, including the NJ Libertarian Party.
Since then the number of registered libertarians has been steadily growing. The 2018 numbers show 11,040 registered Libertarians. This is a 32.9% growth from the prior year. This year we have grown once again to 8,309 registered Libertarians. We have 4.8 times as many registered libertarians now than we did 5 years ago,
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- Written by: Ken Kaplan
- Category: Candidates and Elections
It has been a very long time since anyone other than a Democrat or Republican was elected to Congress from New Jersey. In fact, it last happened 160 years ago! In 1858, Garnett B. Adrain, who had been elected in the 3rd District as a Democrat in 1856, ran as an Anti-Lecompton Democrat. Jetur R. Riggs ran with the same party identification and was elected in the 4th District. A major issue that year was the admission of Kansas territory to the union as a state. Congress needed to ratify the new constitution of the proposed state. One of the proposed constitutions, the Lecompton Constitution had these provisions in it concerning slavery:
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- Written by: Mike Guadagnino
- Category: Candidates and Elections
The NJ Libertarian Party Nominates Tosone for Congress in NJ-5
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Congressional Candidate Jim Tosone with US Senate Candidate Murray Sabrin |
Township of Washington, NJ, March 27, 2017 – Jim Tosone received the Libertarian Party’s nomination at the New Jersey LP Convention on March 24th, as their candidate for House of Representatives in New Jersey’s 5th congressional district.
Tosone is a lifelong resident of New Jersey. His wife and he have lived in Township of Washington, Bergen County, for 30 years. They have one daughter.
Tosone had a thirty-year career at a Fortune 50 healthcare company as a Director of Business Technology. He now consults with leading organizations to help them enhance their innovation, collaboration, and communication skills. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Mathematics and Technology Management from Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
This past weekend, three of our candidates sat down at the Liberty Cafe studios for an interview about their campaigns.
Michael Chazukow for West Milford Town Council
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- Written by: Patrick McKnight
- Category: Candidates and Elections
LIVINGSTON, NJ – The League of Women Voters held a debate for candidates for the State Assembly in the 27th district last Wednesday, September 30th. Libertarian candidates offered refreshing fact-based solutions to economic concerns such as job creation, state budgeting and state pensions.
The Republican candidate promised to reach across the aisle, work hard and renegotiate pensions without mentioning any specifics. The Democratic incumbents, Assemblyman John McKeon of West Orange and Assemblywoman Mila Jasey of South Orange, were absent.
“If you re-elect these people you know what to expect,” said Damien Caillault, one of the Libertarian candidates. “They will spend more, tax more, fund new projects, and in a few years, they’ll come back for more.”
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Press Release
Why your Libertarian vote on Tuesday, Nov. 4, is worth 100 times the other guy's vote
Political leverage! Libertarian Party candidates have it in 2014 — IF YOU VOTE Libertarian.
Why? Unlike the Democratic and Republican candidates, our Libertarian Party candidates for public office have one rock-solid issue — and a clear, powerful message.
Our rock-solid issue: To dramatically expand and advance individual liberty in America.
Our clear, powerful message: Vote for us, elect us, and we will do everything we can to dramatically roll back today's Big Government. To dramatically shrink the size, power, authority, responsibility, taxes, and spending of federal, state, and local Big Government.