The New Jersey Libertarian Party will be exposing thousands of youth to the party and to the fight for liberty at the upcoming Warped Tour concerts in Camden (July 17th) and Oceanport (July 19th). Over 60 bands are scheduled to perform on each night. The lineup includes the punk band Anti-Flag who has several great libertarian songs including "Free Nation?," "This Machine Kills Fascists," "Welcome to 1984," "We Want to Be Free," and "You’ve Got To Die For The Government". Other scheduled bands that have freedom messages in their music include NOFX, Flogging Molly, and Bad Religion.

"Call it libertarian, cause we do as we please. Don't need fear, or force or farce to know morality, cuz morals aren't substance you can shove in someone's ear"

NOFX, The Plan,  included in 2001 LP News article "Top 25 Freedom Songs"

Pulling this off is expensive. Donations are needed for the many items we need to gather. Please either find us the following items or visit our donation page and give us a generous donation.

Wish List for the Event

Items in green have been obtained.

  • Canopy - use of canopy has been donated.
  • Method of securing canopy to ground. The canopy has stakes, but we may need weights if we are setup on pavement.
  • Backdrop - 8' wide X 6' high backdrop of the Statue of Liberty has been printed and is on the way
  • Literature - we have some, but could use more. Donations are needed for this!
New Vision Brochures ($134 gets us a case of 660) These are a must! Party is ordering.
-  International Society for Individual Liberty Informative Brochures - great literature available for $0.05 each. The store doesn't show them for sale though. I've emailed them with no response?
-  Pocket Constitutions - Available from a variety of sources. These include CATO (expensive, but really nice), NCSSS (cheaper $30 per 100), Heritage Foundation ($25 per 50)
- Fully Informed Jury Literature - $70 gets us 100 Citizen handbooks. $60 for 500 Second Amendment pamphlets.
- Liberty Stickers ($100 gets us 100 stickers)
- LP Bumper Stickers - I need to inquire on bulk purchases
- Assorted LP Brochures - bulk purchase at various prices.
- Operation Politically Homeless Quizzes and literature (have been ordered already) Could use a frame for the OPH Political Quiz poster.
- Campaign For Liberty brochures
  • Tickets to the concerts. We need to buy tickets for our volunteers. They are $40 each. Some have been bought already.
  • Folding Table (6 foot or 8 foot)
  • Table cover/cloth for front of table (custom printed?)
  • Literature stand I've ordered some of these.
  • Volunteers
  • Easel for the Worlds Smallest Political Quiz
  • Other ideas are welcome!

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