If ever there was a time and an opportunity for New Jersey Libertarian candidates to make inroads, 2014 would be that time. In every poll taken on numerous issues, Americans are coming to embrace libertarian positions. Younger voters nationwide believe that neither the Democratic nor the Republican Parties represents the American people. Seventy-two percent of voters say they would be better off if most incumbents were defeated in November. Eighty-one percent do not trust the federal government most or nearly all the time. Polling also shows that seventy-nine percent want to cut federal spending, fifty-two percent say that their tax bills are too high, and fifty-eight percent favor legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana and fifty-two percent of Americans also revealed that they oppose foreign interventions in other countries and that the U.S. should stay out of other nations quarrels.

2014 could and should be the year of the Libertarian. If Libertarian candidates can collect enough money for their campaigns, put forth their message of freedom on the airwaves, in print and elsewhere, and can articulate a message of liberty one on one and with crowds, they can be competitive and can possibly win their elections. The question remains is the following:

  • How bad do they want to win?
  • How hard are they willing to work?
  • Are they willing to go through burning coals?
  • Are they willing to be honest and forthright with the voters?
  • Have they the fire in the belly to run for office?

If I had to answer these questions, I believe the answer is “yes” to all of the above. In the end, however, they need your support. Your support will ensure that they that can make the year of the libertarian a reality. Your support will ensure that they can carry the message of liberty and freedom to all.

Visit http://njlp.org/candidates for information on NJ Libertarian candidates.

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