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- Written by: Jay Boucher
- Category: Events
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
The Institute for Liberal Studies put together their eighth annual Liberty Summer Seminar this past weekend. The below video was put together by our friends at Bureaucrash.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
Former Congressman Bob Barr and current Libertarian Nominee for President answers questions before the House Judiciary Committee's hearing on Executive Power & the Bush Administration on July 25, 2008. Transcript of his full statement can be found here.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
Under New Jersey's new law, possession of BB gun merits three-year sentence
CENTRAL JERSEY —Caught speeding in Highland Park in April in his father's Acura RSX, Ryan Narciso found out the hard way about a recent change in a New Jersey gun law that could send him to prison for three years.
The 20-year-old sales clerk at a shop at Menlo Park Mall and former Middlesex County College student had a pellet handgun in the car, according to an indictment filed last week in Superior Court, New Brunswick.
Read the full article HERE.
Only in NJ is a BB gun classified as a firearm. According to NJ State law a firearm can be defined as:
It shall also include, without limitation, any firearm which is in the nature of an air gun, spring gun or pistol or other weapon of a similar nature in which the propelling force is a spring, elastic band, carbon dioxide, compressed or other gas, or vapor, air or compressed air, or is ignited by compressed air, and ejecting a bullet or missile smaller than three-eighths of an inch in diameter, with sufficient force to injure a person.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
Atlantic City Boardwalk to serve as first statewide office
Trenton, NJ – The New Jersey Libertarian Party signed a lease this past week securing space right on the Atlantic City Boardwalk to serve as its campaign headquarters. It is the first of many offices anticipated to open around the state, to help coordinate campaign activities in what is anticipated to be a very active and aggressive campaign season according to Lou Jasikoff, Chairman of the New Jersey Libertarian Party.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Candidates and Elections
The New Jersey petition for the LP Presidential ticket is now available and is posted online here. I have also posted the Oath and Acceptance that each of the 15 Electors needs to complete and have notarized.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
The NJLP Summer Picnic and General Membership Meeting has been set for Saturday July 19th starting at 1:00 PM at the Flynn’s home in Morganville (Marlboro Township). The general membership meeting is scheduled to begin at 1:30 PM and the picnic will follow.
This will be your first chance to hear about the exciting developments in the Jason Scheurer for Senate campaign plus the Bob Barr/Wayne Allyn Root national effort from our very busy State Chair Lou Jasikoff. A key activity at the picnic will be collecting and processing petitions for Barr/Root from NJLP petitioners with appropriate recognition and awards for all contributors.
Please bring: Your own meat plus one dish to share. Gas grill and tubs of ice with cold soft drinks will be provided along with snacks and picnic utensils. Extra lawn chairs would help.
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Open Government Advocacy Project
New Jersey Herald
July 9, 2008
Advocate wants more transparency
SPARTA -- A letter from a renowned New Jersey open government advocate has requested some changes to how local board of education meetings operate.
For the complete story, click here.
Wow, I'm considered "renowned" . My letter to the
Board is on-line here.
John Paff
Somerset, New
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- Written by: Kevin Ferrizzi
- Category: Latest News
I have just spent the first full day at our new Atlantic City office at South Sovereign and Boardwalk, between the Hilton and Tropicana and must tell you all that I am very excited about the amount of traffic we have. Dozens of people stopped in to talk with us. Some of them were wondering what the Libertarian Party was, others already knew about us and were amazed to see us in public. More than a few of the stop-ins were from Party members from other states as well as college students from Rutgers, Temple, University of Maryland, University of Delaware, John Hopkins, and others. These party faithful were ecstatic to see us out and getting active. Dozens more people stopped to stare in wonder that we really existed as a political party! I can't count how many people walked by, looked at our beautiful sign, and continued on their way while discussing the Libertarian Party and the Bob Barr Presidential campaign.
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- Written by: Sean Colon
- Category: Latest News
Jason Scheurer , our Senate candidate, and Lou Jasikoff, our party chairman, will be taping for WPHL -TV July 19th for a half hour show. The topic will be the NJ Libertarian Party. More details wil be released as they become available.
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- Written by: Lou Jasikoff
- Category: Candidates and Elections
As of June 13 Jason Scheurer and Derek DeMarco are officially on the ballot for U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress (District 8) in New Jersey. I want to thank everyone who got involved and gathered signatures on their behalf to make this happen. (See page 2 for the Honor Roll of petitioners and the initial press release for the campaign. – Editor) It was encouraging to see so many get involved.
Going forward we will need everyone's help to run the successful campaign we are planning. You can expect to be contacted shortly by me or one of our expanding staff to ask what you can do and the level of commitment you are willing to make. There will be a role for everyone who chooses to help make this campaign successful. We will need an enormous amount of help to man the events that are planned and are going to be planned for the coming months. The campaign is starting to fall into place. Thanks for all the help so far and I think we are going to make real progress this year.
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- Written by: Sean Colon
- Category: NJ Libertarian Blog
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
It seems more like he recorded this on his own and a Ron Paul supporter used it in a Ron Paul video. RIP George.
Note: some foul language.
NJ Libertarian Blog
Imported from NJ Libertarian News from the published feed
This is a page of various videos that we have either created or found interesting. Be sure to check out and follow our YouTube page.
Open Government Advocacy Project
The Open Government Advocacy Project is a committee of the NJ Libertarian Party. Its goal is to ensure transparency and accountability at all levels of government. Articles posted here are a subset of the work of the committee. For more information visit the Open Government Advocacy Project blog.
If you would like to demand accountability and ensure that your local governing body or school board adheres to the Open Public Records Act we can help you request information from them. Contact John Paff, the project chair here.
Insight New Jersey
NJ government is huge and complex. Private industry is shrinking while the size and cost of government bureacracy continues to grow. The articles posted here provide a guide of the NJ State Government and can be used by citizens and candidates for office to evaluate what departments can be reduced drastically in size.
We'll start with just some of the departments and provide a breakdown on what they do (or purport to do), how many employees they have and how big their budget is.
Preempted Ordinance Repeal Project
The New Jersey Libertarian Party's Preempted Ordinance Repeal Project (“the Project”) seeks to get New Jersey municipalities to repeal loitering ordinances that should have been -- but were not -- repealed when the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice was enacted in 1979. The Project has successfully had loitering ordinances repealed in over 30 towns. For a summary listing of all the towns see Preempted Ordinance Repeal Project page.
Police Accountability Project
The Police Accountability Project is a committee of the NJ Libertarian Party. Its goal is to search out cases of police misconduct, file former Internal Affairs (IA) complaints when appropriate, and to publicize violations of rules and laws by the police. There may be other stories posted on the NJLP Police Internal Affairs Complaint Blog page.
If you would like to help or know of a case we should be looking at, contact the committee at
Legislative Affairs Committee
The Legislative Affairs Committee was created to allow a select core of Volunteers to take action on legislation and policies which directly affects the people of New Jersey.
Legislative Director and Committee Chair