August 2005 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3525 downloads

2005 Picnic and General Meeting Coverage
From the Chair
Pawlowski for Governor Update
News from the Back Office
Draft Minutes of General Meeting
Princeton Packet covers LPCNJ’s Open Government Task Force;
Libertarians in Print
Eminent Domain Seizure in Passaic
GCCLP Organizes, Announces Next Meeting
Libertarian Links
Free State Project

July 2005 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3492 downloads

NJLP Annual Picnic and General Meeting
Pawlowski Campaign Update
Pawlowski Press Coverage
Draft Minutes, 6/12/05 Steering Committee Meeting
LPCNJ Press Coverage
Free State Project
Show Your True Colors in NJ
Libertarians in Print

June 2005 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3406 downloads

Annual Picnic
Pawlowski Campaign Update
Minutes, NJLP Special Meeting
Draft Minutes, NJLP State Board Meeting
Proposed Changes to NJLP Bylaws
NJ Governor “Recognizes and Commends” Ethan Nappen for Essay Letter to Ayn Rand
Libertarians in Print
Herald News Story cites John Paff
Libertarian Party; Pawlowski Party Big Success
LPCNJ’s Open Government Task Force Covered in Courier News
Free State Project
Libertarian Links
Leading by Example

May 2005 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 2944 downloads

Liberty in Our Lifetime – the Free State Project
Pawlowski for Governor Campaign
NJLP Steering Committee Meeting – Draft Minutes
Motion to Suspend
From the Editor
Libertarian Links
Show your True Colors in NJ
A Libertarian Stress Test

March/April 2005 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3292 downloads

Pawlowski Campaign Organizes, Unveils Website
Candidate Bio, Jeff Pawlowski, by Chris Koszalka
Convention 2005 Coverage
SOS Team Campaigns at Convention
Bio, Brian Phillips, by Brian Phillips
Draft Minutes, NJLP General Meeting
Karlan to remain as LNC Rep
Draft Minutes, State Board Meeting
New County Orgs
NJLP Continues to Demand “Openness”
To the Editor
Libertarians in Print
Libertarians Links
Internal NJLP Investigation
Response to Internal NJLP Investigation

February 2005 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 2927 downloads

Minutes, State Board Meeting of 1/16/05
Without Passion we Have Nothing
NJLP Supports Teaneck;
Rutgers Libertarians Announce new Site
That Freedom is Better is Irrelevant
Libertarians in Print
Activist at Work
Show your True Colors in NJ
You might be a Libertarian, if…

January 2005 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 2933 downloads

Cheers to the New Year!
In Memory – Michael Buoncristiano
Campaign Workers, Petitioners Needed
Not Just a Basketball Game
Tony Federici, Activist at Work
Libertarians in Print
Show your True Colors in NJ
Volunteer Editor Sought

November/December 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 4051 downloads

From the Chair
Flynn Covered in APP
LVW Corrected by NJLP Candidate
David Daly on running for office
Chazotte/Holt Interview
Congressional Candidates on TPOV
Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign
Libertarian Club founded at Rutgers
ACLU responds to Open Letter
Election Night 2004, & the Freedom to Ignore
Define, not Confine
Star Ledger Coverage of Suits Credits LPCNJ
Show your True Colors in NJ
Court approves “reasonable” $55 discs
Orwellian Newspeak
Home News Tribune Covers another LPCNJ win
LPCNJ Seeks Help
Libertarians in Print
Newest Political News Web Site Announced

October 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3241 downloads

LPCNJ on front page of Home News Tribune
LPCNJ in Star Ledger
The LP at the RNC
It Takes 'When it Takes a Village'
The Strangulation of Free Trade
Libertarians in Print

September 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3026 downloads

Ginny Flynn Joins Protestors
NJLP Members gather signatures, register voters
From the Chair
LPCNJ Chides Bound Brook
LPCNJ in Star Ledger… again!
The Route to Individual Freedom: Philosophical Revolution vs. Political Movement by Josh Scher
Show your True Colors in NJ
To the Editor
Libertarians in Print
Thanks! 2004 Candidates
Membership Form
NJ Delegation to 2004 LP National Convention

August 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 2846 downloads

NJLP Picnic News and Pictures
Calling All Libertarians
Pawlowski and Koszalka Give Sayreville a Chance
Star Ledger Coverage of LP Activism
Corporations Persons?
Pacifying Islamic Fundamentalists
From The Chair

July 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 2999 downloads

Frank Warren Appointed to Public Office
From the Chair
June Steering Committee Minutes
Nine Congressional Candidates On Ballot
LPCNJ's Latest

June 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3064 downloads

Pawlowski and Koszalka Appear on TPOV
Congressional Candidate, Chazotte covered in Press
Annual Picnic and General Meeting Announcement
Union County Joins LPSMC/"Lipsmack" Renamed
Greetings from Chris Redwood
Minuntes of May Steering Committee
Libertarians In Print
TPOV Puts Out the Call
Humor: "Republican Party Census"

May 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3798 downloads

March 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3028 downloads

February 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 2741 downloads

January 2004 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 2885 downloads

December 2003 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 2602 downloads

Election Results
Voter Affiliation Statistics
NJLP Annual Convention Announcement
October Steering Committee Minutes
Libertarians In Print
NJLP Member Does Battle with NJ Dept. of Taxation

November 2003 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 2510 downloads

Campaign Report
From the Chair
Annual Convention Announcement
California Teaches Us a Lesson
September 2003 State Board Minutes
A Government Tale

October 2003 NJ Libertarian Popular

In Newsletters 3006 downloads