Press Releases
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- Written by: Jim Tosone
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56 Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Contact: Jim Tosone – NJ Senate Candidate
New Jersey Division of Elections certifies Jim Tosone as an Official Candidate for NJ Senate
Tennent, NJ. August 6, 2021 – The New Jersey Division of Elections has certified that Jim Tosone will be on the ballot as the Libertarian Party’s candidate for NJ Senate in the General Election in the 39th Legislative District.
The district is comprised of towns in northern Bergen and Passaic Counties. It has 167, 000 registered voters of which 43% (over 72,000) are unaffiliated. For those voters, who are concerned about both government spending/taxes/debt and interference in their personal lives, Tosone will offer the Libertarian Party solutions.
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- Category: Press Releases
For immediate release
March 28, 2018
During the 2016 presidential campaign, some libertarian-leaning voters wanted to give Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt. As a candidate, Trump talked about drastic reductions in spending and taxation, along with “draining the swamp” of its career politicians. He said he wanted to reduce spending for defense of other countries and wars of foreign intervention. He even leaned toward allowing states to determine their own marijuana policies. Whatever libertarian impulses Trump the candidate seemed to have, though, his actual performance as president stands in stark contrast. Donald Trump is the opposite of a Libertarian.
During his campaign, Trump said he was “in favor of medical marijuana 100 percent,” and that recreational marijuana policy should be left to the states. On that issue, he sounded moderately libertarian. Once elected, Trump appointed Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Sessions promptly rescinded the Barack Obama–era Cole Memorandum, a directive from former Deputy Attorney General James Cole that had effectively prevented the federal government from initiating marijuana prosecutions in states that had legalized cannabis.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56, Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Contact: Patrick McKnight –Chair, NJLP
NJ Libertarian Party Fighting For Lower Property Taxes
Tennent, NJ, September 20, 2017 –
I love New Jersey. My family has lived here for four generations. Unfortunately, New Jersey has become a difficult place to live for anyone other than the extremely wealthy. It doesn’t have to be this way.
In my town the average homeowner will pay nearly $150,000 in property taxes over the next 10 years. This fact represents a serious failure of public policy. A community should be more than a school district where its graduates can’t even afford to live.
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- Written by: Patrick McKnight
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Contact: Patrick McKnight Chair NJLP
The New Jersey Libertarian Party opposes the proposal of a 23 cents per gallon increase in the gas tax. This tax hike could cost New Jersey motorists $4 Billion over the next 10 years. New Jersey spends $2 million per mile of road, the most in America and twice as much as the next highest state. The problem isn't revenue, it's spending. Let's abolish prevailing wage laws and stop using taxpayers as an ATM for special interest groups.
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- Written by: Patrick McKnight
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Contact: Patrick McKnight Chair NJLP
Former NJ State Treasurer to Chair Johnson-Weld Campaign in New Jersey
New Jersey Libertarian Party Chair Patrick McKnight announced that former New Jersey State Treasurer Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff has agreed to chair the campaign of Libertarian Party presidential and vice presidential nominees Gary Johnson and William Weld in the Garden State.
Mr. Sidamon-Eristoff stated:
“I am honored to serve as Chair of the Johnson-Weld 2016 campaign in New Jersey.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Contact: Jim Tosone – Vice Chair NJLP
On August 15, the Democrats and Republicans Will Stack The Deck Yet Again
Tennent, NJ, August 8, 2016 – If there’s one thing Democrats and Republicans agree on, it’s that your only choice should be between Democrats and Republicans. They have used their control of the election laws to cement their many advantages in place. Taxpayers fund their closed primaries and subsidize their nominating conventions. Their candidates are automatically placed on the November ballot. Meanwhile, the Libertarian Party and its members fund their state and national nominating conventions. The Party must by law spend its own time and money to collect signatures on petitions to get its nominated candidates included on the November ballot.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Tennent, NJ, June 19, 2016 – The NJLP Summer General Membership Meeting will be on Saturday July 9th at 3:30 PM in Cream Ridge, NJ. The picnic will start around 4:30 PM. At the picnic, Michael Graves (formerly of the Misfits) will perform a solo set and the band Pool of Thorns will play.
Some food will be provided, but please consider bringing your favorite dish to share. Gas grills and tubs of ice with cold soft drinks will be provided along with snacks and picnic utensils. Extra lawn chairs would help. There is a hot tub on the premises and room to set up tents for those who want to stay late. A $10 donation to help cover our costs is encouraged.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Tennent, NJ, June 17, 2016 – Dissatisfaction with the two major political parties and their candidates is at an all-time high. Voters are looking for candidates they can vote for, not just against. Fortunately for them, a record number of Libertarian Party candidates will be on the ballot in New Jersey in November.
It begins with our Presidential ticket: former governors Gary Johnson (President) and Bill Weld (Vice President), who will be on the ballot in all fifty states. They are beginning to appear in the national polls and are working to be in the Presidential Debates this fall. CNN will be devoting a live Town Hall meeting to them on June 22 at 9PM.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Trenton, NJ, June 2, 2016 - If there's one thing that the Democrats and Republicans agree on, it's that your only choice on Election Day should be between Democrats and Republicans. That's why the New Jersey Legislature has stacked the election law deck to make it as difficult as possible for an established, growing party like the New Jersey Libertarian Party compete for your vote.
The candidates selected by the Democratic and Republican parties for any office are automatically placed on the ballot. In contrast, the Libertarian Party must meet a 10% vote threshold to qualify for ballot access. (The median vote threshold in the U.S. is 2%). The last third party to meet the 10% vote threshold was over 100 years ago. As a result, the Libertarian Party must devote time and resources to collecting signatures on petitions to get our candidates on the ballot. Once we've collected the required number of signatures (in fact, we collect more), the two major parties then engage in frivolous court challenges in an attempt to prevent you from having a third choice.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Contact: Patrick McKnight –
Popularity of Libertarian Party Explodes
Tennent, NJ, May 9, 2016 – Libertarian Party Membership Growing Dramatically
In Bergen County, NJ, market share of voter registrations declined for both Democrats and Republicans, while voters registering as Libertarian has increased by 41% in the last 12 months.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Trenton, NJ, April 26, 2016: The NJ Libertarian Party demands Governor Christie immediately commute the sentences of prisoners whose only offense involved non-violent drug offenses. At a time where the NJ State Budget must be cut, we cannot afford to imprison people who have not harmed anyone.
According to the State Department of Corrections there are 2,360 inmates being held for non-violent drug offenses. Another 664 prisoners are being held for "violations against public policy." At an average cost of $54,865 per prisoner, these prisoners are held at annual cost of over $165 million or over $450,000 per day. New Jersey already has the highest debt burden in America at $52,300 per taxpayer.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Contact: Jim Tosone – Vice Chair NJLP
On 420 Day, the New Jersey Libertarian Party Calls For Full Re-Legalization of Marijuana
Tennent, NJ, April 20, 2016 – April 20 (aka 420) has become a counterculture holiday in North America, where people gather to consume cannabis and advocate for its re-legalization. While it took America a mere 12 years to recognize the futility of alcohol prohibition, marijuana prohibition is 75 years old and counting. Fortunately, because it has become increasingly clear that the harmful effects of the war on marijuana are far greater than any harm from marijuana itself, a majority of Americans now favor re-legalization. As people see that the dire predictions about the dangers of re-legalization have failed to materialize in the states where it is now legal, it is only a matter of time before this failed experiment is relegated to the dustbin of history.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
New Jersey Libertarian Party
PO Box 56
Tennent, NJ 07763-0056
Contact: Jim Tosone – Vice Chair NJLP
On Tax Day, the New Jersey Libertarian Party Calls For Lower Taxes AND Lower Spending
Tennent, NJ, April 10, 2016 – New Jersey had no sales tax until 1966. No income tax until the 1970s. Now we have both—yet our property taxes, estate taxes, and inheritance taxes remain among the highest in the nation. In spite of all of these taxes, New Jersey has the third-highest per capita debt in the nation. In recent survey, 60% of New Jerseyians making over $100K would like to leave. Money goes where it is treated well.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Press Releases
Press Release
Damien Caillault will be representing the Libertarian Party in the election for State Assembly in November.
The Libertarian Party is the third largest party in New Jersey. It is also not only the fastest growing, but the only party that is actually growing, by registration.