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- Written by: Frank Fiamingo
- Category: Latest News
From Jack Fiamingo, our friend from the NJ Second Amendment Society:
We are working in conjunction with the ANJRPC and other New Jersey RKBA groups to spread the word about this legislation. Please send, emails and faxes and make phone calls to all the members of the NJ Assembly LAW & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE *TODAY*. Please attend the hearing tomorrow if possible. Please understand. This bill does *ABSOLUTELY* NOTHING to improve the safety of our schools. It is just one more slide down the slippery slope towards further intrusive gun-owner control.
Executive Director of the ANJRPC Scott Bach just shared this information with us. It is important to act on this *IN FORCE* and as quickly as possible.
Dedicated to responsible firearms ownership and use since 1934
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
In 1999, Harry Browne penned the following article. Harry was the LP candidate for President in 1996 and in 2000. Sadly, Harry left us in 1996. His words from 1999 are still true today and apply to all of our recent interventions in the affairs of other nations. This memorial day, let us remember those who have been sacrificed by our government and avoid glorifying war. More of Harry's writings can be found at
Top 10 reasons to get the U.S. out of Yugoslavia
by Harry Browne
May 3, 1999
10. You can’t save innocent people by bombing innocent people. If that seems to be the only way to solve a problem, you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.
9. The man in the White House leading the fight against the Serbs is well known to be a congenital liar. Why in the world would we fight and die based on his version of the facts?
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Last week representatives Adam Smith (D-WA) and Justin Amash (R-MI) proposed amending HR-4310, (National Defense Authorization Act) to end indefinite detention of terrorism suspects and require due process for those suspected of crimes. The amendment would have ensured that the following due process rules are followed.
- Military detention. Prohibits transfer to military custody for detention of any person seized or detained in the United States under the Legislation.
- Military trials. Prohibits military trial of any person detained in the United States under the legislation.
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- Written by: Eric Hafner
- Category: Latest News
UPDATE: John Paff wrote a letter to the Presiding Judge of the Monmouth County Municipal Courts concerning this matter.
A municipal Judge in Middletown Township, NJ (Monmouth County) is renting his law office from the Municipal Prosecutor - a conflict of interest that means any case they have ever handled is now questionable. This story reeks of New Jersey political corruption and cronyism.
While facing a prosecution in Middletown Township Municipal Court relating to my usage of Medical Marijuana (that my doctor in California recommends I use in the treatment of my serious illness - but that's a separate issue entirely) I have become aware of some facts regarding the operation of the court that draws into serious question whether or not any defendant can receive a fair trial in Middletown Township.
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- Written by: Mark Hinkle
- Category: Latest News
Press Release
For Immediate Release
Monday, April 16, 2012
WASHINGTON -- In light of tomorrow's personal income tax filing deadline, Libertarian National Chair, Mark Hinkle, released the following statement:
“While everyone needs revenue, only criminals and politicians insist that they have to get it through violence. The criminals, however, do not pretend they're doing it in order to serve the public, and taxes make politicians public masters rather than public servants.
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- Written by: R. Lee Wrights
- Category: Latest News
R. Lee Wrights, 53, a libertarian writer and political activist, is seeking the presidential nomination because he believes the Libertarian message in 2012 must be a loud, clear and unequivocal call to stop all war. |
BURNET, Texas (April 14) – America has always had an “illegal immigration” problem. Just ask any Native American. During a conversation with a Cherokee chief several years ago I asked him, “What did the native tribes call America before the white settlers came here?” He looked me straight in the eyes and solemnly replied, “Ours.”
This immigration debate is a classic example of why libertarians must become better communicators. Libertarians and others advocating immigration law reform talk about “open borders.” Conservatives, on the other hand, insist America must have “secure borders.” Both sides use these terms as if they were mutually exclusive. They’re not. They’re opposite sides of the same coin. It’s possible to have borders that are both open and secure.
The problem is that the term “open borders” is not specific enough to convey to a listener what we actually mean. When some people hear the words “open borders” they immediately envision an invading army marching across our borders unchallenged. On the other hand, when others (particularly libertarians) hear open borders, all that it means is accessibility for peaceful people to come and go.
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
News from the liberterrain…
Marijuana legalization activist Ed Forchion, also known as The New Jersey Weedman or just NJWeedman, goes to court April 10 in Mt. Holly NJ for possession of a pound of cannabis in the trunk of his car, which he obtained legally in California as medical marijuana.
In a long, rambling press release on his own website Forchion has openly declared his intention of using a jury nullification defense in his trial.
To draw attention to his case and to his fight for marijuana legalization Forchion has been driving his colorfully painted "weedmobile" across the country from California to his trial in New Jersey. Along the way he has been producing video commentary as part of a "roadamentary," or road documentary, and posts them on YouTube.
Continue reading on NJWeedman to use nullification defense in pot possession trial - National Libertarian news
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
I almost donated to the Gary Johnson campaign for president the other day. However the recent article stating that he believes the "fair tax" will reboot America made me change my mind. Instead I'm going to donate to R. Lee Wright's campaign.
No general tax is fair, nor will this scheme benefit America. Substituting one form of coercion with another is certainly not libertarian. The ideal tax would be 0%. In 2012 the U.S. took $1.4 trillion in income taxes while spending $2.5 trillion. To get rid of federal income taxes and replace them with nothing would require cutting federal spending back to $1.1 trillion. This would bring spending back to where it was in 1991. We probably would not need to cut spending this much because such a drastic cut in taxation would result in increased revenue in other taxes because of the increase in wealth, commerce, and employment our country would enjoy. Doable? Maybe. Libertarian? Yes! Realistic? Sadly, hell no.
The income tax is the biggest single intrusion suffered by the American people. It forces every worker to be a bookkeeper, to open his records to the government, to explain his expenses, to fear conviction for a harmless accounting error.
Compliance wastes billions of dollars. It penalizes savings and creates an enormous drag on the U.S. economy. It is incompatible with a free society, and we aren’t libertarians if we tolerate it.
- Harry Browne, LP 1996 and 2000 Candidate for President
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
NJLP Annual Convention
Tavern on the Lake
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Tentative Meeting Agenda
Doors Open at 8 AM, Coffee and light breakfast available
Call to order & quorum check 9:00 AM
Agenda review & approval 9:05 AM
Secretary's Report
- Minutes of prior meeting (Steering Committee Meeting 2/12/2012) 9:10
Treasurer's report
- 2011 and 2012 budget presentation 9:15
Election of NJLP Officers and At-Large Reps (9:30)
Ongoing Business & County Committee Reports
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Most of these ads have been around for a long time. Feel free to share!
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Latest News
The NJLP website has been migrated from one server to another. If any problems are found with the site, including our donation, membership, and convention registration pages please contact the NJLP webmaster.
Try to include exactly what you were doing and any error messages you may have seen.
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- Written by: Johnny Green
- Category: Latest News
There Are Few People That Fight For Marijuana As Hard As NJWeedman
[reprinted with permission from]
If you don’t know about NJWeedman, and you consume marijuana, where have you been smoking your marijuana, under a rock? Meeting NJWeedman was on my bucket list for several years now, and I’m happy to say I had that honor at the activism panel at the High Times Medical Cannabis Cup in Los Angeles. The first time I ever saw NJWeedman on video was footage of a pro-marijuana protest NJWeedman was being arrested at. As the cops put the handcuffs on NJWeedman, NJWeedman just kept taking hits from his blunt and blowing the smoke in the cops’ faces. It was one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen to this day.
NJWeedman even mailed marijuana to politicians in a form of marijuana prohibition protest! I could try to tell the story of NJWeedman myself, but I will let him do it. Here is the ‘about’ page from NJWeedman’s official website:
Robert Edward Forchion (born July 23, 1964), also known as NJWEEDMAN, is a cannabis activist and a perennial candidate for various New Jersey elected offices. Forchion identifies himself as a member of the Legalize Marijuana Party and campaigns primarily on the single issue of cannabis legalization. Forchion has done various stunts to bring attention to cannabis legalization, including smoking cannabis in front of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, as well as attempting to legally change his name to
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
Professor Scott Beaulier, Adams-Bibby Chair of Free Enterprise at Troy University, will speaking at TCNJ this Friday. His topic is The Myths of Immigration, and he will be speaking from 3pm to 4:30pm in the Library Auditorium.
Professor Beaulier is the author of the recent Freeman article Tough on Immigration is Tough on Economic Growth.
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- Written by: Joe Siano
- Category: Latest News
Come to the NJ Libertarian Party Convention.
This is a great year for the cause of Liberty.
Ron Paul is reshaping political thought through his incredible Presidential run. I hope that he wins his Party's nomination. However, if he doesn't he has still made a a big contribution and the LP has a potentially great candidate in the wings with Gary Johnson.
In New Jersey, we have a very accomplished gentleman who wants to represent the NJLP as a candidate for Senate. I believe that he has the time, energy, talent, resume and resources to to make a high visibility run. He will speak and you can decide for yourselves. In addition to him we will other great speakers and we will present our other aspiring candidates.
The Board has worked to make this convention
- Convenient - It is right in the middle of Jersey, less that a mile from Turnpike Exit 8. Also, plenty of free parking nearby.
- Affordable - $35 - includes hot buffet lunch and continental breakfast. Students rate is $25
- And fun - We are on the second floor of a pub.
As I said before, more Americans are awakening to the cause of liberty than ever before. And if Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination, that would be grand. Nonetheless, the Libertarian Party still stands as the few, the proud, the true keepers of the flame.
I want to see you in Hightstown on March 24, to kick off a great year for the NJLP. Register today!
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
A recent poll shows that the 83% of Americans support Obama's drone policy, 53% of liberal Democrats and 67% of moderate or conservative Democrats now support keeping Guantanamo Bay open.
Glenn Greenwald blogs about it here. Jim Bovard blogs about at Liberals Love Obama's "Liberty Drones".
During the Bush Regime the left would have been screaming and protesting while the right would have been silent. Now the roles are reversed. What is wrong with the public? Why do they continually choose party over principle? Instead of being principled, people treat politics like a sports event while cheering on their favorite team to victory.
The good news is that voters are quickly abandoning the Republican and Democrat Parties. According to the USA Today the Democrat Party is down 800,000 voters, the Republican Party is down 350,000 voters and independent voters are up by 325,000 voters.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
“I’m not going to stop doing what I’m doing,” says medical marijuana advocate Eric Hafner.
Among those cheering at the Statehouse when New Jersey’s law allowing medical marijuana passed in January, 2010 was Eric Hafner, an 18-year-old who found in cannabis what he did not in prescription drugs: relief from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) brought on by a “traumatic, horrifying” incident two years earlier.
Two years later, however, the law has yet to be implemented, and Hafner is a facing a charge of possessing less than 50 grams of marijuana as a result of an early-morning traffic stop in Middletown in late November.
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- Written by: Carla Howell
- Category: Latest News
Carla Howell is the Executive Director of the National Libertarian Party |
Dear Friend of Liberty,
I ran for governor against Mitt Romney in 2002 in Massachusetts. I read his every press release, read every major newspaper article about him, and followed his every move throughout his governor campaign -- and in each of the four years he served as governor.
Mitt Romney IS Big Government -- to the core.
Which is why I nearly fell off my chair one day when I was asked by a libertarian, “Aren’t you glad to have Mitt Romney as your governor? He’s pretty libertarian, isn’t he?”
It is critical that voters know the truth about Big Government Mitt Romney. Please forward the below column to every voter you know who would consider voting for him.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Latest News
The following email was sent to the Borough Council in Little Silver today. Many towns across New Jersey are charging exorbitant late fees for property taxes. Much thanks go to John Paff for his contributions to this effort.
Hon. Robert Neff, Jr., Mayor and members of the Little Silver Borough Council
480 Prospect Avenue
Little Silver, NJ 07739Dear Mayor Neff and Borough Council members:
I write in my capacity as chairman of the New Jersey Libertarian Party. As you may be aware, Libertarians take a pretty dim view of taxation (Note1) and, if we had our way, we would a substantially reduce the size and scope of government causing a corresponding decrease in the tax burden presently shouldered by New Jersey citizens. While we don't expect the Little Silver Borough Council to adopt a Libertarian viewpoint overnight, we would like for you to effect a small change that would help reduce the burden on some of the Borough's most vulnerable residents.
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- Written by: John Paff
- Category: Latest News
In wrapping up the year, I looked over some my old files and found some news articles from April of 1991 about a New Jersey Superior Court judge who successfully stepped on a juror's right to judge for herself whether New Jersey's drug laws were fair and proportionate. I thought this 20-year old bit of history would be interest, so I put these articles on the internet.
I remember this case well, as I visited the juror several times and recall hand-typing her May 17, 1991 letter into a text file - in the days before scanners and OCR--so that I could distribute it more easily (the text file is also at the above link). I also remember the case well because I traveled more than once to the New Jersey State Prison in Trenton to visit the man who was sentenced to life imprisonment because of the juror's forced verdict. Anyway, here's the story.