Party Info
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- Written by: Paul Baratelli
- Category: Party Info
2025 NJLP Convention Business Meeting
March 22nd, 2025
Proposed Agenda
08:00-09:00 Credentialing
- Check Registration Lists
- Technical Setup
09:00 Call to Order and Quorum Check
09:05 Agenda Review & Approval
09:15 Chair State of the State
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- Written by: Bylaws Committee
- Category: Party Standards and Rules
The 2023-2024 Bylaws Committee is proud to submit to our delegates the following proposals for consideration during our Convention.
Proposal 1: Add new section 11.g. 4:0.
“Any member of one region based on their county of residence may choose to be a member of a different region instead. However, a member may only be a voting member of one region at a time, and may only change regions once per calendar year. A change in regional membership may only be accomplished by giving written notice to the Vice President of Membership.”
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Party Info
Registration Coming Soon!
Save the date - Sunday March 3rd, 2024
Multipurpose Room C, Cook Student Center, 59 Biel Rd., New Brunswick, NJ
Schedule is in progress. Current schedule looks to be a Morning and Early afternoon business meeting, noon luncheon, dinner, and evening entertainment.
Stay tuned for details.
Convention program advertising and sponsorship opportunities are described here (TBD).
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- Written by: Nikhil Sureshkumar
- Category: Party Info
2022 NJLP General Meeting
April 30th, 2022
Proposed Agenda
10:00 AM- Call to order & quorum check [Chair]
10:05 AM - Agenda review & approval [Chair]
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- Written by: Webmaster
- Category: Party Info
In lieu of taking up valuable meeting time at the convention. I hereby submit my report for the members electronically. Address any questions or concerns to
The Membership Report has been updated at (login required)
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- Written by: Mark Kapengut
- Category: Party Standards and Rules
This draft contains some of my current ideas how to improve NJLP inner workings. These are framed in terms of bylaws amendments. Some of them were already presented to the bylaws committee, some may be submitted in the future, some may be presented to GMs as members submissions etc. Some of these ideas may remain on the drawing board for a while.
Some of those ideas had been polled and had high levels of internal support, and were picked up by Jan GM.
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- Written by: Daniel Krause
- Category: Party Info
What you should have ready before you publicly launch your campaign and a downloadable checklist
Online Resources
- There’s a wiki area of the National website just for candidates. This is a gathering place for articles, resources, and information created by Libertarians for Libertarian candidates. Think of it as a library which will be expanded constantly. URL:
- Password: volunteer@lp
- Pension Integrity Project - By Reason Foundation
Training videos
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- Written by: Daniel Krause
- Category: Local Parties
- Details
- Written by: Lana Leguia
- Category: FAQs
- Why are you running for office?
Ask yourself this question. If you need help finding the answer or would like to know what to expect during your campaign, read this post. - Register to vote/check your voter registration status
Make sure all your voter records are up to date. Candidates have been disqualified due to improper registration.
→ Register to vote
→ Check your voter status
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- Written by: NJLP
- Category: Party Standards and Rules
15 Inmigración
Tema: Sostenemos que los derechos humanos no deben ser negados o abreviados en función de la nacionalidad o el origen nacional. El derecho a viajar libremente entre Estados y naciones es un derecho fundamental. Los humanos deben ser libres de abandonar regímenes tiránicos. Los empleados, empleadores y contratistas deben tener la libertad de negociar sin interferencias ni restricciones gubernamentales.
Principio: Nos oponemos a las restricciones estatales de inmigración, ya sea con el propósito de cooperar con restricciones federales o de otra manera. Nos oponemos firmemente a todas las medidas que castigan a los empleadores que contratan a trabajadores indocumentados. El estado no tiene ningún negocio que regule las interacciones productivas y voluntarias entre las partes que dan su consentimiento.
Transición: A los no ciudadanos indocumentados no se les debe negar la libertad fundamental de trabajar o moverse sin impedimentos. Nos oponemos a los pagos de asistencia social del gobierno a los no ciudadanos, al igual que nos oponemos a los pagos de asistencia social a todas las demás personas.
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- Written by: Jim Tosone
- Category: Party Info
The purpose of the State Level Strategic Plan is to:
- Communicate to members our key areas of focus for 2018
- Provide a baseline against with to measure progress against our plans
- Provide a framework which can be used by VPs/Regions as they develop their 2018 Strategic Plans
- Use SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Specific) goals
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- Written by: Jim Tosone
- Category: Party Info
2017 was the first year that the NJLP created a formal Strategic Plan, in order to communicate to members our key areas of focus and provide a baseline against with to measure progress. We used the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Specific) model for our defining goals.
Below are those goals and, for each, how we did. Some goals were achieved, some partially achieved, and others not achieved. Our performance on each will provide useful input for the 2018 Strategic Plan.
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- Written by: Jay Edgar
- Category: Party Info
We've had a few new logos floating around. For most of them I didn't like the fact that they didn't say the official name of our party. So I've come up with a few additional ideas.
Logo with out stars
We get many emails from people asking how they can help or how they can get involved in the party. Hopefully this article can be used as a guide on how to get involved.
Make no mistake, just because we may drop the ball and either not give you specific tasks, take too long to get back to you, or forget to get back to you at all - does not mean that your activism is not needed. Actually quite the opposite is true. The freedom movement needs more activists who are willing to help out in any way they can.